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Por lo pronto, como podéis ver, abandona las historias por un tiempo que no da y se da a las commisions, que a nivel artístico le llenan mucho más. Básicamente lo resume con un "El fuego se ha ido". Esperemos que en un futuro termine, al menos, las obras que deja inconclusas.I had dinner with Chris Ryall on Friday. He and his boss, Greg Goldstein, came up for what has become an annual event. One of the questions Chris asked was what would get me drawing comics again. A flurry of potential projects crossed my mind, but I really had no answer. The reality is, after forty years, the fire has gone out. When it comes to drawing little pictures in little boxes, nothing really calls to me any more. The commission pieces satisfy the artist in me much more, now, than comics. Plus they let me play in “universes” that no longer exist. And let’s face it, creator-owned projects notwithstanding, the sheer joy of comics, for me, was being able to play with those wonderful toys that had entertained me as a child.Maybe something will reignite those ancient fires, but for now, STAR TREK - NEW VISIONS more than scratches the storytelling itch, and does so in a way that is more satisfying that virtually anything else I have done.
Fuente: Yermo ediciones, John Byrne tumblr
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